Requirements for foreigners to buy real estate in the Dominican Republic.

In the Dominican Republic, any non-resident person can safely invest in the purchase of a property in any part of the national territory, since there are currently no legal impediments that prevent it. It is good to investigate and identify the benefits stipulated in those laws that benefit foreigners who decide to invest in the purchase of real estate in the Dominican Republic with tax exemptions.
The basic requirements to take into account are the following:
1. Present two identity documents, a copy and an original (the passport is essential).
2. Fill out a “know your customer” document. Where the properties that belong to him in his native country and what he does are described, as well as age data and dependent family members.
3. If you are married, you must provide a copy of the identity documents of your spouse, who must also fill out a “know your client” form.
4. Provide certified documentation that demonstrates the veracity and legality of your funds with which you will buy the property (employment letter or, if you are a merchant, proof of the existence and operation of your business or company).
5. Documents that prove income for the last 3 months.
6. Balance of your bank account, in the last 3 months.
7. Tax return for the last 2 years. Especially valid for residents of North American territory and some European countries.
Other important details:
With few exceptions, mortgage financing must be carried out through the financial intermediation institutions of the Dominican Republic (commercial banks or associations), as a rule, terms of more than 15 years are not allowed.
Another important point is to keep in mind that there are laws that benefit and encourage tax exemptions for foreigners who invest in the purchase of real estate in the Dominican Republic.
The person who buys a property based on being a natural person, must carry out the procedure to request its incorporation into the system of the General Directorate of Internal Taxes (DGII) so that the number of the National Registry of Contribuente (RNC). Ciò è necessario per trasferire il certificato di proprietà
Nel caso di quelle persone fisiche straniere, legalmente costituite come persone giuridiche estere (società commerciali), possono procedere all'acquisto, vendita e possesso di immobili nel Paese. Questi devono soddisfare solo i requisiti minimi richiesti dalla legge.
Nel caso di società commerciali (persone giuridiche), costituite in giurisdizioni estere, è necessario che stabiliscano un domicilio nel Paese, nonché che ottengano il Registro Mercantile ed infine che siano inserite nel sistema DGII, per l'attribuzione del numero dell'Anagrafe Nazionale dei Contribuenti (RNC).
Ti consigliamo inoltre di consultare i seguenti 3 documenti dell'immobile che ti interessa prima di procedere con le procedure legali:
Titolo di proprietà
Certificato di stato giuridico dell'immobile
Certificato di imposta sugli immobili
La nostra agenzia immobiliare garantirà l'equità e la certezza del diritto del processo, in particolare la verifica che le certificazioni dell'Immobile Tax (IPI) e dello Status Legale dell'Immobile siano corrette e aggiornate.

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