The Dominican Republic grants special incentives to pensioners and rentiers from foreign sources to establish themselves in the country.

The Dominican Republic grants special incentives to pensioners and rentiers from foreign sources to establish themselves in the country.
Our country wants people who want to permanently reside here to have the same benefits and exemptions granted by our legislation to foreign investors living abroad.
The beneficiaries are broken down below:
1. National or foreign pensioners or retirees who benefit from a monthly income, not less than the amount of US$1,500.00, from a pension or retirement from a government, official agency or private company of foreign origin, who have decided to transfer their permanent residence to the Dominican Republic and enjoy the benefit of said pension in Dominican territory.
 2. Rentistas, who are those people who enjoy stable and permanent income, not less than the sum of US$2,000.00 or its equivalent in Dominican pesos, coming from abroad by any of the mechanisms indicated below:
a. Deposits and/or investments of banks established abroad;
b. Remittances from banks or finance companies established abroad;
c. Investments of companies established abroad;
d. Remittances originating from real estate;
and. Interest received from securities issued in foreign currency generated abroad; v. Benefits obtained from investments in securities issued in foreign and/or national currency with the State or its institutions, as long as the capital has been generated abroad and the currency is exchanged in the country;
Yo. Interest, income or dividends from real estate or personal property investments made in the country, whose principal has been generated abroad.

3. Dominicans receiving pensions from institutions abroad who prove they receive the income listed above, provided they have resided permanently abroad for a period of not less than ten (10) years.
4. Foreigners who reside in the Dominican Republic and acquire the status of pensioners or annuitants.
All those mentioned above will enjoy the following benefits:
1. Residency by Investment: this program allows foreign investors, pensioners and annuitants to obtain Dominican residency within a period of 45 business days;
2. Exemption from the payment of taxes on household goods and personal property, which allows foreigners who enter the country, with the purpose of establishing their residence, to bring their household goods free of payment of taxes;
3. Partial exemption from taxes applicable to the importation of used motor vehicles, as long as their owner has been in use for at least one year;
4. Exemption from the payment of taxes on real estate transfer, on the first property acquired;
5. Exemption from the payment of Income Tax with respect to the sums that have been declared as income to avail themselves of the benefits of the Law;
6. Exemption of 50% of taxes on mortgages, as long as the creditor is a financial institution regulated by the Monetary and Financial Law;
7. Exemption of 50% of the tax levied on the payment of dividends (25%);
8. Exemption from the tax on capital gains (25%), as long as the annuitant is the majority shareholder of the company that must pay this tax and that it does not carry out commercial or industrial activities.
9. Exemption from payment of the Transfer Tax on Industrialized Goods and Services (ITBIS) and the Selective Consumption Tax (ISC) for the acquisition of motor vehicles in the Dominican Republic.
Source: Law 171-07 on special incentives for retirees and rentiers from foreign sources.

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